About Jae

Heyy I am Jae & I am a wig seller/wig installer, I had to cut my hair due to it being severely damaged & very thin due to me not taking care of it. After I cut my hair I noticed my wig braids would stay the same length each time Iā€™d get a new set of wig braids; my hair was not retaining length & was not growing. I had to do research to figure out why my hair wasnā€™t growing I saw the ā€œpopular hair brandsā€ in the stores & immediately went to buy those brands & try them. After a year of still seeing no results I immediately decided it was time for me to take matters into my own hands. I then started using Ā all natural products on my hair & concocted a awesome recipe & used my products once a day, within no timeĀ I instantly saw results with significant hair growth & retaining my hair length šŸ˜. My products work so well promoting healthy fast hair growth, helps with shedding & a list of other awesome things. After using my products ā€œyour hair & scalp will thank youā€!




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